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Score customizable by the performers?

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 15:43
by Coops
Hi all,

Was just wondering if anyone had any experience with what I’m trying to do. I want to make a score that has a section where the performer can edit the score beforehand by moving different bars around, or repeating or removing sections that they would like. I would also like to include lyric customization by the performer (it’s a piece for solo vocalist with piano accompaniment) if possible. Has anyone done something similar, or could point me in the right direction?

I’ve investigated a few methods involving unconventional notation methods, such as MaxScore and INscore, but I’m thinking even something like Flash could work decently. The program could probably live on the web, I’m picturing something like a flash game for kids where you drag and drop the different bars and then they snap into place? But then you can print it afterwords as well. Just something intuitive for non-composers, where they don’t necessarily need to purchase a certain software and learn it to use it. I would get someone to write the code for a new program, but that is money that I don’t currently have. Any possible solutions or even a direction for me to go in would be greatly appreciated!