Musescore 4 video

Recommendations concerning notation and publishing software in a non-partisan environment.
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Musescore 4 video

Post by jrethorst »

Interesting discussion of how the program was developed.
John Rethorst
Posts: 249
Joined: 30 Nov 2021, 12:11

Re: Musescore 4 video

Post by NeeraWM »

Musescore is quickly becoming more and more important in today's engraving environment.
Before it was only because it was free, now it is also able to create decent output.
What worries me is that its staying free is fuelled by the MuseScore subscription, which gives people access to hundreds of thousands of scores in PDF, XML, Musescore format. Without too much effort, one can easily find copyrighted music that just should not be there. Complaining about it doesn't bring too much, sadly.
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Re: Musescore 4 video

Post by MalteM »

It has always to stay free because the license doesn’t allow otherwise. The subscription instead fuels the professional development leading to the massive engraving improvements and better usability. However, that doesn’t invalidate your point about copyrighted music.
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