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FontForge and Finale

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 08:14
I need to create custom glyphs for use in Finale.
This is my first attempt to dove into FontForge and create something more usable.
However, when I create an .otf font using FontForge, that font is "invisible" for Finale. The font passed installation and is found in FontBook.
What is the way to create a font usable in Finale? The font I create are usable in all other applications except Finale.
There are different encoding, export, glyph order, table, font type... How to make it visible and usable? Here are the font options, encoding, naming, exporting. Not being expert I need some expertise here! Tisimt?

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 20:27
by John Ruggero
I am probably the last person who should try to help, OCTO, but just in case:

After I made my G clef and installed it in the Font Book, I installed it in Finale by: Document Options>Clefs>Clef Designer>Character:&>Set Font: "My New Clef" and there was "My New Clef" in the list of fonts. I assume it would be done similarly for any other specific glyph. I had not created a whole music font, however, and have no idea how that would be installed. Sorry if this is all irrelevant.

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 31 Mar 2016, 07:08
Thank you, John. When you have created your font, was it cubic or quadratic (if this has anything to do with my problem)?
Also, when you exported it, was it ttf or otf, and what settings you have used?

The problem I face is that my Finale doesn't see the font at all, so if I want to change fonts in Finale's font selection, that font is not found at all on the list. Bad.

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 31 Mar 2016, 20:51
by John Ruggero
It is a ttf. I did nothing special with the settings, just FF>File>Generate Fonts.

It seems like years ago and I now even had trouble opening an old file in FF, before I remembering how to do it. And I never had to deal with cubic or whatever. So hopefully someone more knowledgable will aid you.

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 04:21
by DatOrganistTho
Make sure that you don't have too many fonts "Installed" on your computer. I had this problem with LilyPond a while back trying to get text fonts to change. Seems to be that when you install a font your computer "loads" it into system memory, so that it can be easily rendered or used. When too many are loaded, sometimes fonts get pushed out of that cue in favor of others.

Try disabling a few fonts that you don't use a lot, or even better, delete some that you haven't used in a while or ever!

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 12:20
DatOrganistTho, perhaps it can be true. I will try.
The real problem is that ONLY FINALE cannot see the font. All other applications can see it.
I don't know if the exporting is done in accordance to Finale's "wishes".

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 15:03
by tisimst
Have you tried changing the encoding to be "Macintosh Latin"? That's what Maestro is encoded with. You could also try the more common "Unicode, BMP" or "Unicode, Full" encodings. I'm not familiar enough with how encodings work to know why it would make a difference, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 19:57
by Knut
I don't think the Encoding has any effect on whether or not the font file shows up in Finale's font list or not.
This sounds more like a font cache problem than anything else. Have you tried deleting the caches?
I'm not sure how it's done manually, but google can most certainly help you.

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 02:49
by MJCube
Quick thought: What’s the name of your font? Could it possibly be showing up at a different place in Finale’s list?

Re: FontForge and Finale

Posted: 02 Apr 2016, 15:30
by John Ruggero
MJCube, I think you put your finger on it! I remember that when I didn't name my font properly, within FF, it showed up as "untitled" in the list.