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[puzzle] Slur problem

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 08:36
How to make this (first) slur to look, at least, satisfying?
shot.jpg (32.47 KiB) Viewed 7811 times

Re: [puzzle] Slur problem

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 11:03
by Alexander Ploetz
Since it seems not to be wrong in any relevant aspect, it already goes down as "at least satisfying" in my book.

Re: [puzzle] Slur problem

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 12:31
by tisimst
I also think it looks pretty good as is. Some thoughts:

1. The "slope" of the slur (so that it appears to go "down" like the first and last note heads it encompasses)
2. The placement of the initial accent (not a huge fan of it in the staff lines, but yours is clear). Putting it just below the staff also gives the slur something to point to so it doesn't feel so far away from the note.
3. [OT] The second beam group's beam staff positions should move up so it doesn't run into the center flat.

How about this:
[puzzle] Slur problem-LP2.19.38.png
[puzzle] Slur problem-LP2.19.38.png (11.28 KiB) Viewed 7800 times
Really the only thing I don't love about this one is the placement of f piĆ¹. Maybe farther left?

Re: [puzzle] Slur problem

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 12:38
Thank you for the input!
tisimst wrote:2. The placement of the initial accent (not a huge fan of it in the staff lines, but yours is clear). Putting it just below the staff also gives the slur something to point to so it doesn't feel so far away from the note.