Page 1 of 2 in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 10:49
tisimst, is it possible and in which way to use your fonts in Finale 2014?

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 11:27
by Knut
OCTO wrote:tisimst, is it possible and in which way to use your fonts in Finale 2014?
Even though this question wasn't directed at me, I will try answering.

Unfortunately, Lilypond use different character encoding in their fonts from Finale. While Finale's fonts utilizes the Standard Latin character set, Lilypond's fonts makes use of the Unicode's Private User Area. Since (for whatever reason) Finale won't allow you to use characters outside of the standard latin set in the default music font, even though it now supports Unicode, none of the characters in a font encoded for use in Lilypond will be accessible this way.

Therefore, to be able to use the fonts available on the referred website in Finale, they will need to be re-encoded, which you are free to do, since they are open source fonts.

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 11:31
Ok, so it is basically matter of encoding?
I will try once I use another computer with FF.

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 11:34
by Knut
OCTO wrote:Ok, so it is basically matter of encoding?
There is a couple of minor differences in registration (vertical position) that will need adjustment as well, particularly for the slash and bar-repeat characters, but basically, yes.

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 12:32
by odod
here's the difference between Lilyfont table and sibelius opus table

the encoding must be changed to MS Symbol first .. and re arrange the table plus you have to tweak some of the character positioning
Capture.PNG (86.11 KiB) Viewed 13186 times

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 12:57
by Knut
odod wrote:the encoding must be changed to MS Symbol first
That's not true for Finale, which was the application the OP was concerned with. Here's the encoding I get when opening the Maestro font in FontLab:
Maestro encoding.png
Maestro encoding.png (196.75 KiB) Viewed 13184 times
In other words, the encoding for Finale and Sibelius fonts differ as well.

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 13:55
by odod
ahh i forget that .. yess for finale, the maestro font has more characters ..

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 14:53
by tisimst
OCTO wrote:tisimst, is it possible and in which way to use your fonts in Finale 2014?
Absolutely! I've been meaning to take this on for quite a while now (mostly because of the powerful Python scripting integration with FontForge). The only thing that I really need help with is the development of Finale's FAN files. I don't own Finale, so I can't generate FAN files and I can't test the fonts, so I'd need someone else's help to make sure things are working correctly.

Can I make that small request? I am more than happy to convert the fonts to be Finale-compatible, but I need someone else to take care of all the little nuances that make it work well with Finale. Character size and positioning is easily done with scripting. I've had quite a bit experience converting my fonts to other programs encodings (e.g., Sibelius, Overture, SMuFL, etc.), so I think I can do that relatively easily. If someone else wants to take this on, I can't stop you and all the licenses permit you to do so, but I'd like to do it if no one cares too much.

Second request: If someone is willing, could I get someone to create a sampler file similar to the one I have on my font pages, but in Finale? That would be very helpful for testing.

Thanks, everyone! It makes me happy that you like my fonts!

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 15:08
I am interested, particularly for the fonts I like.
Three moments are needed here:
- adjust position (all symbols in your fonts are now not equal positioned to Maestro)
- correct size (easiest to compare your staff symbol with the staff symbol in Maestro)
- correct mapping (both Apple and MakeMusic make some restrictions, so often happens that the third party fonts don't work anymore)

Being busy right now I think it can be done step by step anyway!

Re: in Finale

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 15:14
by odod
sir tisimst .. you are the best :) i already converted some of your fonts and to be honest is quite a task .. i made it for sibelius compatible and also for finale .. but i think the size probably should start from 24 not 23
i only converted Haydn and Ross ..