OT: Text formatting in Preface

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OT: Text formatting in Preface

Post by NeeraWM »

When compiling the Preface of an edition, is there a global convention for mentioning the title of a lied's poem and the tempo text of a piece of music?
For example, I'm using regular typeface between double quotes for the title of poems and italic without quotes for tempo markings.
Someone told me I should do the opposite.
Is there general consensus on what should be done in this case?
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Re: OT: Text formatting in Preface

Post by benwiggy »

According to "Hart's Rules for Compositors at the University Press, Oxford":

Use italic for long poems which are 'books', e.g. Paradise Lost, Childe Harold, etc.

Use roman in quotations for shorter poems that would appear within a collection.

Tempo marks used as titles e.g. "the Allegro of Beethoven's 1st symphony" should be roman.

Whether these conventions are used in other languages, I can't say.
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Re: OT: Text formatting in Preface

Post by NeeraWM »

It seems in German uses Italic for poem titles in a collection and puts tempo marks as Roman but between quotes.
I honestly feel less bad now for creating my own conventions...
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Re: OT: Text formatting in Preface

Post by MichelRE »

I say go big or go home: Comic Sans all the way.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2021, 12:11

Re: OT: Text formatting in Preface

Post by NeeraWM »

Of course, how didn't I think of that?!
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