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Inkscape crashing

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 02:48
by John Ruggero
All of a sudden, Inkscape is making streaked black lines when I edit nodes and often crashing. Didn't have the problem yesterday with the same files. Is this typical behavior? I did upgrade to the latest version of XQuartz a few days ago. Anyone else having similar issues after upgrading?

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 04:37
by tisimst
I can't say I've experienced this in all my times using Inkscape, but I've never used it on a Mac (only Windows and Linux). Can you show a screenshot of what it looks like when it goes haywire?

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 08:43
John, I use an older version of Inkscape and it is very stable. Try to download some previous version just in the case they implemented something in the newer version that crashes the application.

It can be also matter of Apple's code.
What versions do you use (system, application)?

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 16:00
by John Ruggero
Here is an example of a streak produced by simply moving a node. Its the dark diagonal, not the blue guide lines. After making streaks like this and worse, then the whole clef disappears leaving only the nodes, then the program can just close abruptly. I now save after every edit.
Mac mini (OS 10.8.5) with dual monitors XQuartz 2.7.8 (xorg-server 1.16.4) Inkscape 0.91
Inkscape line.jpg
Inkscape line.jpg (38.03 KiB) Viewed 12537 times

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 16:13
Can you use an older Inkscape version?

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 18:29
by John Ruggero
I am now using Inkscape 0.48.5 without any problems. Thanks, OCTO and tisimst.

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 05:12
by tisimst
That is very strange indeed. What version of Inkscape were you using originally? Would you mind sending me the file to see if I can replicate the issue? Glad it's working for you now.

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 16:23
by John Ruggero
Thanks, tisimist. I was using Inkscape 0.91 Mac mini (OS 10.8.5) with dual monitors XQuartz 2.7.8

I am now back to using .91 without further issues. The file that started having problems was the result of many duplications, since I save each new version as a new file. I wonder if that has something to do with it. I will keep experimenting and send you something if anything unexpected happens.

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 19:38
Yes, maybe the file was corrupted somehow from Finale. Who knows... Or just THAT node is corrupted...!

Re: Inkscape crashing

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 21:58
by John Ruggero
This was not a file from Finale. And the file is not corrupted because it works fine in the Inkscape 0.48.5. And it happened on many nodes and situations.